
Friday, February 13, 2009

Marriage, the concept of common harmful

Marriage, the concept of common harmful 

The concept of marital sexual partners emotion 

1, the argument can only hurt the feelings of 
      Most people think that there is no conflict between the feelings than the feelings of some conflict, but the actual situation is not the case. Some couples deliberately avoid conflict in marriage, because they feel that the controversy can only hurt the feelings, in order to avoid conflict on the hidden heart of the mind and feeling, soon, each other's hearts will result in frustration and resentment of the plot, the feelings will naturally be discord. 
      Marriages, and the quarrel of opinion are inevitable, which could benefit may also be caused by a fatal injury, but whether we have to resolve controversial approach and techniques. 
2, we have the heart beat are linked together 
     Those who truly love each other should be able to intuitively know each other's needs and preferences without the need to be informed. If I had to tell my partner what I want or need, then he / she told me the love is not enough. 
      We are not immortal, even if the U.S. are living together for many years and will not know each other's thoughts. As for speculation that his own mind companion, it is better to directly tell a partner you really mind the needs and to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. 
3, he / she will never change 
     Most couples have a way of thinking: Once things worse, it can only be done, if he / she hurt me once, he / she will hurt me again. We believe that the partners are immutable, all problems will not change. 
     In fact, marriage life, the problems are two people interact, but to change the status quo, only a person required to make efforts. When one marriage in order to make a change to save time, and the other has no choice but to follow the change. 
4, good relations to go with the flow 
     Many people think, unnecessary to do to maintain a good relationship. People together or in harmony with each other, destined to happiness or not. 
      Intimacy is built on a small matter, through the well-intentioned, simple and every day to make the behavior to achieve. Intentions of marriage are required to maintain, let themselves in the next few decades and partners, we need to pay attention to each and every life a trivial matter.

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