
Saturday, February 21, 2009

It is important to state your trading objectives and goals to achieve.

It is important to state your trading objectives and goals to achieve.
Have a simple plan and work on it, please do not try to complicate it
by putting in some complex money management strategies. I am not

saying that money management is not important. It is important but it
has to be simple because the majorities of us do not have a PhD in
finance to understand it. Simplicity is the key.

Trading is a business

“The investor’s chief problem and even his worst enemy is
likely to be himself” – Benjamin Graham

Trading is a business

Trading should be treated as a business and that is the simple logical
reason why it is called trading. Trading is just act of buying a product
or merchandise then selling it and making a profit out from it. Isn’t
that’s what we do as a trader? Most of us seem to forget our objective
and become irrational when we trade. We become impatience and
want to get rich very quickly.

When you trade without any emotion

When you trade without any emotion, you are likely to do well but
when you start trading with your own money, that’s where all the
emotions will come in, your fear and your greed. It doesn’t matter
whether you are just starting out or have been trading for sometime, it
is the same, and every trader will have to take on the same emotional
roller coaster ride in order to be good at it. It takes patience and time
to master but it can be financially rewarding.

Avoid credit repair scams

Avoid credit repair scams – Check out to.
educate yourself. .

.. If you are having trouble securing an essential loan, consult with your family..
Someone may be willing to co-sign until you can repair your credit situation..

.. Increase income and decrease current expenses. The more “extra” you have, the.
faster you can pay off old debt and repair your credit. So if you must take that.
second job and shut off the cable, do it. .
Why it’s important to track your credit.
It is very important to track your credit report and score on a regular basis. The more.
familiar you are with your own repayment history, the easier it is to recognize errors on.
your report. .

If you notice errors on your credit report, be sure to notify the reporting agency.

If you notice errors on your credit report, be sure to notify the reporting agency.
and lender in writing. .

.. IMPORTANT: Familiarize yourself with the statute of limitations on debts (see. ). On past due.
accounts that are well within the statue of limitations, contact creditors and.
negotiate new payment terms. You can also get late fees waived if you show an.
honest effort to pay your bills down. The idea is to have every account on your.
credit report to read “current” or “paid”, and make at least the minimum payments.
for those accounts on a timely basis. Most creditors prefer to get a payment rather.
than having to charge off an account or pay a debt collector..
.. If debt collectors are calling you, familiarize yourself with the rules they must.
follow. Check out . .

Determining your credit score.

Determining your credit score.
US Federal law mandates that each US citizen is entitled to review a free credit report.
once per year. The three reporting agencies have come together to offer one web site.
where you can order a copy of your report: . Note.
that this web site will help you out with credit reports (i.e., your repayment history), not.
credit scores..
Unfortunately, credit scores do not come free. In our opinion, the best resource for.
reviewing both your credit report and score is via the Equifax 3-in-1 Credit Report with.
Score Power. This report will allow you to compare credit reports from Equifax,.
TransUnion and Experian side by side to check for errors and inconsistencies, and also.
gives you your FICO credit score. .
Once you determine your score and credit history, you can take steps to either use the full.
power of a good score, or take steps to escape poor credit. .
Resources to help you escape poor credit.
If you find out you have poor credit, you will need to actively manage this situation..
Probably the worst thing you can do is to bury your head in the sand. You will especially.
need to take every measure possible to avoid bankruptcy or tax liens as these can remain.
on your credit history for 10 years or more. .
Here is the short list to escaping poor credit:.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Separate the eggs, allowing one to each person. Beat the whites to a
stiff froth. Heap them into individual dishes, make a nest, or hole,
in the center. Drop into this a whole yolk. Stand the dish in a pan of
water, cover, and cook in the oven about two or three minutes. Dust
lightly with salt and pepper, put a tiny bit of butter in the center
of each, and send at once to the table. This is one of the most
sightly of all egg dishes.


Eggs put into hot water and kept away from the fire are much better
than eggs actually boiled for only a short time. The greater the
number of eggs to be cooked, the greater the amount of water that must
be used. To cook four eggs, put them into a kettle, pour over them two
quarts of water, cover the kettle and allow them to stand for ten
minutes. Lift them from the water, put them into a large bowl, cover
with boiling water, and send at once to the table. The whites will be
coagulated, but should be soft and creamy, while the yolks will be
perfectly cooked. If you should add six eggs to this volume of water,
lengthen the time of standing. A single egg, dropped into a quart of
water, must stand five minutes.


Chop fine one good-sized onion. Cook it, over hot water, in two level tablespoonfuls of butter. When the onion is soft add a quarter of a
can of mushrooms, chopped fine, two level tablespoonfuls of flour and
one cupful of stock. Stir until boiling. Add a tablespoonful of
chopped parsley, a half teaspoonful of salt and a saltspoonful of
pepper. Put a tablespoonful of this sauce in the bottom of individual
cups. Break into each cup one egg. Pour over the remaining mixture.
Stand the cups in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven about
five minutes.


Bake as many potatoes as you have persons to serve. When done, cut off
the sides, scoop out a portion of the potato, leaving a wall about a
half inch thick. Mash the scooped-out portion, add to it a little hot
milk, salt and pepper, and put it into a pastry bag. Put a little
salt, pepper and butter into each potato and break in a fresh egg.
Press the potato from the pastry bag through a star tube around the
edge of the potato, forming a border. Stand these in a baking pan and
bake until the eggs are "set." Put a tablespoonful of cream sauce in
the center of each, and send to the table.