
Friday, February 13, 2009

Four strokes and yoga allows you to bid farewell to high disease

Four strokes and yoga allows you to bid farewell to high disease 

Yoga Movement fatigue health 

High heels are many women's "Beloved", from the perspective of becoming slender legs make walking more elegant, sultry attitude, but also bring their high-heeled shoes of many pains and troubles. As a result of prolonged high-heeled shoes to wear inappropriate, ladies frequent foot pain, leg fatigue, backaches and other problems, increase the risk of the end of plantar fasciitis, arthritis, pelvis forward, knee strain, large thumb problems such as toe valgus. 

The following four yoga posture, just for physical problems brought about by high-heeled shoes. Strengthen leg muscles, stretching the long-term strain of joints and muscles, as well as strengthening the body's sense of balance and implicit characterization 
1, "chair-style" repulsed at the end of plantar fasciitis 
One of the causes of plantar fasciitis is wearing high heels too high, so the focus shifted forward, the pressure on the soles of the feet, down a long time can cause plantar fasciitis, pain, swelling and other symptoms. 
Action: Hill-style stance, feet close together and legs, the rise of chest, back straight. 
Breath, feet close together and back squat legs, imagine the rear seat has a straight-induced thigh into balance with the ground. 
And soles of the feet, the heel off, and maintain the posture breathing 5-8. Inspiratory restore to the Shan-style stance. 
Efficacy: to strengthen the foot and lower leg muscle strength, physical sense of balance. 
Tip: please focus on the soles of his feet in front and maintain the back straight. If it is found difficult balance has to practice to rely on the walls. 
Second, "the first soldier-style-type" to correct the pelvis forward 
Put on high heels, the body center of gravity will be to the front of the bone plate forward to increase lumbar spine curvature, low back muscle strain long-term excessive force, will lead to back pain. 
Action: Hill-type stance. Inspiratory, open legs about four feet wide, hands open with the shoulder level, forming a "big" words. 
Brought his hands up, fingers in the air, in the head. 
Body and left foot to 90-degree turn to the left, facing the front. 
Left knee buckling until the thigh and lower leg into a 90-degree angle. 
Maintain this posture 5-8 breathing. 
Upon completion, for the other foot repeat the above steps. 
Efficacy: the pelvis forward to correct the problem, stretching back, chest and spine; would also help to ease back pain and sciatica. For strengthening the spine and body flexibility helpful. 
Tip: to keep under the basin to do in front. But toe knee, hip adduction. 
Three "downward dog-style" to maintain slender legs 
To completely remove high-heeled shoes on the legs, buttocks and lower back discomfort and fatigue, down-type dog would be a good yoga posture, the legs can be extended so that enhances the strength of the back to reduce wear back pain caused by high heels. 
Action: the ground, hands up, so as to prepare a cat-type action. 
Inspiratory; At the same time, the knees straight, raise the hips until the legs to follow. 
Form a triangle. Maintain this posture 20-30 seconds. Restore to the baby after the ceremony a short break. 
Efficacy: the effective extension of the calf, thigh, arm, let his legs to maintain flexibility. Reduce the chance of leg varicose veins, but also the elimination of heel and shoulder pain, sciatic nerve strong. 
Tip: Keep both legs straight leg, hand pulling and toes to the front; and knees to avoid. If less than a heel step, the first nose deep inspiration will be lifted buttocks, mouth breath, press back and heels, many exercises will gradually progress. 
Four "lying -style" to eliminate leg fatigue 
Wear high heels when standing up, lean body after the calf muscles will shorten and contraction, will lead to leg fatigue, resulting in contracture of the calf. 
Action: lie flat on the ground, arms on both sides of the body. 
 right foot, right hand holding his right foot toe. 
Inhale slowly to the right pedal straight, stretch up, heels up, toes toward the face. 
Maintain this position about 20 seconds and repeat the above steps for the foot. 
Efficacy: stretching the calf, thigh hamstring to improve the leg stiffness, contracture, but also help to ease the back pain, sciatica. 
Tip: keep the left pedal straight, close to the left pelvis, but also to avoid the arch the back, and do not shrink from or elevated shoulder. Unable to grasp such as toes, yoga can be in the soles of his feet, and then pulled changed, but still maintain the upper and lower legs are straight leg.

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